Britannia Village Primary School

Britannia Village Primary School

It takes a whole village to educate a child

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In Year Admissions

In Year Admissions

If you want to apply for a primary school place in Newham outside of the usual times when children start a new school, you must make an in-year admission application.  This type application can also be called mid phase or mid term entry. 

You can find more information and the online application form here

London Skyline

Britannia Village Primary School

Britannia Village Primary School is a trading name of Britannia Education Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee.

Registered Office: Britannia Education Trust, Britannia Village Primary School, Westwood Road, West Silvertown. E16 2AW.

Telephone Number: 02075115412

Registered in England and Wales. Company No: 10689559
