Britannia Village Primary School

Britannia Village Primary School

It takes a whole village to educate a child

Interactive Bar






Digger and the Gang keep getting stuck - Can you help?


Teeth and Eating

Munch Munch Munch!


Static Electricity

Balloons and Static Electricity


Moving and Growing

Clock the red arrows to show different animals on screen


Forces in Action

Click the yellow release button to release the truck.


Changes in Materials

The MI High team from CBBC join Bitesize to play a Science changes in materials game.



Play the variation game and sort these Deadly 60 animals into the different groups, based on their characteristics.


Switched on Kids

How to use Electricity safely


Living Things

Food chains and habitats



Useful website for resources and activities to do at home with children


STEM Learning

A site full of activities to push children in Science, covering a range of topics



For children look to examine the makeup of all things this site is full of wonderful experiments using many household items

London Skyline

Britannia Village Primary School

Britannia Village Primary School is a trading name of Britannia Education Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee.

Registered Office: Britannia Education Trust, Britannia Village Primary School, Westwood Road, West Silvertown. E16 2AW.

Telephone Number: 02075115412

Registered in England and Wales. Company No: 10689559
