The School Day
The School Day:
School begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm with 75 minutes for breaks and lunch. The total time this amounts to is 32.5 hours per week. Registration in the morning is from 8:45 to 8:50am. School gates are open from 8:35am and closed at 8:45am. If your child arrives after this time you will have to come to the main entrance and sign your child in electronically as a late arrival.
We encourage children to remain at school and enjoy the school meals which are nutritionally balanced and always offer a choice. Our meals are provided by Olive Dining and are prepared onsite in our well equipped kitchen. Menus are available from the school office and on the website. Currently in Newham, school meals are free to all primary aged pupils. Parents must notify the school on admission of any allergies and dietary requirements.
Extra-curricular provision:
Clubs are on offer, free of charge, for pupils in Year 1 and above on specified days from 3:15 to 4:15pm. These are not intended for child care and could be cancelled at short notice.
Punctuality and Attendance:
It is essential that your child arrives promptly at school every day, ready to learn. Children who are late are likely to miss out on crucial knowledge and teaching which makes learning more difficult for them. In addition, regular routines enhance children's sense of security and foster good habits for later life.
Children should attend school every day of term time unless they are too ill to do so. There are termly and annual awards for 100% attendance.
Holidays must be taken during scheduled school holidays and parents who take their children on holiday during term time will incur a fine.
Please be considerate to residents when dropping children at school. Do not block driveways. Parking spaces are available on streets around the village.
A Wide Awake Club service is available for before school, there are waiting lists for this service. Please ask at the office for further details.